Parade Day FAQ
What format will the event take?
The main day event consists of a parade march and entertainment on 23rd August 2025. Those who have registered for the march will get priority entry to our main event site. Following the march there is a 'first come-first served' entry. There is limited numbers due to safety.
Where and when it will take place?
9:30-10:30am Registration - Meet at Biggin Hall. You must have checked in by 10:30am latest to participate in the march. This is where bag checks will take place and wristbands will be issued. No wristband no entry. March will begin promptly at 11am and walk all the way through the town and back to where the main event will start.

11-12pm - March through the town - Starts at Maison Dieu House finishes back at the Dover Town Hall and Pride Village
12:30 -3:30pm - Pride Café and Village Details (to be announced)
12-4pm Main Stage at the Dover Town Hall
Join us at the Dover Town Hall and Pride Village from 12-4pm for a day of entertainment, market stalls and pride celebrations. Access to the main venue will be first come first served. Once at full capacity you have to queue. However, if you are marching you will get priority entry to pride village and Town Hall.
Will it be a parade or an event?
Our march will take place before our ticketed event at our event space at the Dover Town Hall and Pride Village. There will be time to set-up for the parade before the start of the march.
Where can I sign up to volunteer for the day?
You can apply to volunteer here via our sign up form, there are a range of ways to get involved and we will be holding an induction session for all volunteers with dates to be confirmed via email
Are there any requirements for the march?
The march is for anybody who is 16y+. Anyone younger will need to be accompanied by an adult.
I have access requirements, what shall I do?
Please email if you or someone attending with you has any access needs or questions about access. Please place access in your subject title.
Will there be accessible toilets and amenities?
Yes there will be several toilets available at the event. An additional accessible toilet for wheelchair holders will be located nearby biggin hall and Dover Town Hall in Dover.
What space might be available e.g., will there be space for us to bring vehicles along?
There are restrictions on bringing vehicles onto the event space and no parking is available on the road leading up to the site itself. The closest Car Parks to are in maison Dieu Car Park, St James Retail and Leisure Park and Pencester Road Car Park.
Stembrook Street:£1.60 per hour.
Charging Period: 8am-6pm, Maximum parking time 4 hours. No Charge on Sundays Post Code CT16 1PE. Facilities 78 Total car bays, 78 pay and display car bays, 7 disabled bays, Motorcycle bays, 2 ticket machines.
How To Pay: cash and card, contactless enabled, RingGo 3816
St James: £1.30 per hour (1st hour free but ticket still required)
Charging period: 9am-6pm Maximum parking time: 5 hours (6 hours on Sundays) No charge on Sundays The first hour of parking is free,however a ticket is still required to be displayed. There is no charge for motorcycles. Disabled drivers, who display a blue badge set to their arrival time can obtain 3 hours free parking. Postcode: CT16 1 QD Facilities: 445 pay and display car bays, Disabled bays, Motorcycle bays, 2 pay and display machines, Electric car charging.
How to pay: Cards, Cash, Contactless
Pencester Road Car park: £1.60 per hour
Charging period: 8am-6pm, Maximum parking time: 4 hours. Linear (per minute) charging, No charge on Sundays Post code: CT16 1BW. Facilities: 52 pay and display car bays, 2 disabled bays, Motorcycle bays, 2 pay and display machine.
How to pay: Cash & RingGo, RingGo Zone 3814
Other nearby Car Parks are Seafront, Bench Street (2 disabled bays), Castle Street. More information here about Parking in Dover:
For Blue Badge holders (from the Dover District Council website):
Blue Badge holders may park free of charge for up to three hours, or for the maximum period in any of Dover District Council’s Car Parks. Specially-marked, wide bays are available, but blue badge holders are entitled to use any bay in the car park. Disabled badge holders may also park without time limit and free of charge at any pay and display area on the street. Please remember to display your badge so that the expiry date can be seen and set your clock at your arrival time.
Parking charges may apply for Blue Badge holders in non-Dover District Council owned car parks. Please
refer to the tariff boards for information.

Will the event be marshalled?
Yes, both the march and event will be.
Will there be tickets to the event and where do we sign in?
Yes for the march parade participants sign in 9:30am at Biggin Hall registration is located below - From here tickets will be check off and bag searched. It is advised that the latest arrival and wristband allocation for the March closes at 10:30am. For those attending the Roman Lawn event and celebrations sign in will be at the event entrance on the day. You will need to pre-register for the march. please keep an eye out for any news and changes here or on our social media.
What if the event is sold out?
You are still welcome to join the back of the march however you will have to queue at the Roman Lawn to get your bag checked and if the lawn is already at full capacity then you will need to queue up as we will operate as a 1 in 1 out for the safety of those attending.
The only people who will get priority access at 12pm are the March participants who have pre-registered at our desk in Maison Dieu, have wristbands and have had their bags checked ahead of the March at 11am.
Don’t forget we do have the Pride Cafe with more entertainment and performers.
Accessibility Info
Please ask staff at any time for help/information - lanyards and link and yellow high vis wearers
Parking and public transport info
Information can be found on our FAQs page:
Registering for the March (leaving at 11am from Maison Dieu Car Park. If signed up for the March, arrive by 10.30am to register. Let members of the team know if you are signed up for the March and have any access needs. The March will be organised into the three sections in Maison Dieu Car Park, with members of the public in the third March section.
There is Step-free access to the riverside cafe for registration. There are Disabled access toilets in the Riverside Centre.
The March Route
The route is step-free, there is uneven pavement in some places. The March pace will be very slow. Please let a member of the team know at any point if you are experiencing difficulties and we will help. The March will narrow as it enters the Maison Dieu and Pride Village, stewards and security, will keep people spaced apart and ensure a steady progression onto the lawn.
Step-free access at the entrance to the Maison Dieu and across the site.
There will be a first aider present during the March, and will be in a first aid tent on the Maison Dieu and Biggin Hall.
Several Pride team members are also first aider, one of them is a mental health first aider.
Main Stage at the Maison Dieu - Day Event (12-4pm)
Once the venue is at capacity, we have a one in, one out door policy, to keep everyone safe.
Please note that once you’ve left the Maison Dieu, you will have to wait to re-enter if the venue is at capacity, including if you have a priority access wristband. If you have access needs, please inform a pride team member or steward and you will be moved to the front of the queue. If you are unable to stand in the queue, there are seats nearby the entrance where you can wait to enter.
There is a disabled wheelchair accessible toilet at Maison Dieu and an indoor disabled toilet in Biggin Hall near the Roman Lawn.
There will be a seated area on the lawn for those with access needs
Accessibility dogs are welcome in the Pride Village. Everything will be signposted.
Pride Cafe (12:30pm-3:30pm)
The Pride Cafe is wheelchair accessible, step-free and has a disabled toilet. The Pride cafe also has musical and drag performances, but is a more relaxed space than the Maison Dieu, with seating.
Interlude (4pm-6pm)
The music stage at our club space (TBA) will showcase a range of local artists and musicians while the Maison Dieu is set up for the Afterparty.
Afterparty at Maison Dieu (7pm-10pm)
Tickets for the after party will be made available closer to the event date.
People with entry tickets will receive a wristband upon showing their ticket at Maison Dieu entrance at 7pm.
We will close the after party event at 10pm.
Please let us know if you have any access requirements.
This is a 18+ event.
Please bring a form of photo ID with you. You will be asked for proof of age.
We implement a think 25 policy for this event.
There will be bag searches when entering the venue.
Participants are NOT allowed to bring their own alcohol into the Maison Dieu but there will be a bar serving alcohol for 18+ only.
Any restricted items will be confiscated from people and disposed of to ensure a safe event.
Access information:
Please ask staff at any time for help/information - lanyards and link and yellow high vis wearers
Please note that once you’ve left the Maison Dieu, you will have to wait to re-enter if the venue is at capacity, including if you have a priority access wristband. If you have access needs, please inform a pride team member or steward and you will be moved to the front of the queue. If you are unable to stand in the queue, there are seats near the entrance where you can wait to enter.
There is a disabled wheelchair-accessible toilet on Roman Lawn. There will be a seated area on the lawn for those with access needs.
Accessibility dogs are welcome on the Roman Lawn.
After Dark Event:
Hosted out on the town at the The Dizzy Donkey this is the last official party of the night - running from 10pm-4am. Access will be available via a ticket entry.